Fibre supply


What are the problems faced by the industry in this area?
Imprecise and spatially weak forest inventory information, and difficulty in operationalizing remote sensing and lidar data
Deployment of commercial thinning and partial cutting and access to sustainable volume of fibre
Lack of markets to utilize the entire fibre basket


What does FPInnovations do to address the challenges?
Fast-track responsive remote-sensing-based operational compliance and fibre inventory solutions
Provide operational solutions, equipment selection tools, and data to deploy efficient enhanced silviculture
Provide analysis, recommendations, and demonstrations to augment sustainable supply and contribute to GHG reduction with forest resiliency activities
Reduce cost of harvesting and collection of biomass; improve biomass and residues supply and logistics

Goals & Impacts

What are the goals to reach and what are the impacts on members?
Demonstrate and initiate the commercialization of a pre-harvest inventory system capturing the full profile of the stands by 2025
Commercialize a system for post-treatment effectiveness monitoring
Demonstrate implementation of cost-effective enhanced silviculture
FPInnovations’ technical solutions implemented in members' operations (specific projects)